How effective is your PR?


Recent research has showed PR as having the highest return on investment of any marketing tactic with a return of nearly 3 times investment.

A well-planned PR campaign can achieve different results for a business or individual.
Whether that is to increase brand profile, drive visitors to an event, target and influence a specific sector or produce sales enquiries.

But many business owners sometimes set unrealistic objectives for their PR campaigns and today, with the advent of Social Media, we all think that we can compete with PR.

It is not too difficult for anyone to make some noise on social media and catch the attention of an audience. However, ensuring that you get successful results from your efforts is a different matter… Continue reading “How effective is your PR?”

How are events playing a role in your marketing strategy?

m3networking_connectionsMany people are quite familiar with attending business networking-style events as part of their marketing activity.

Networking events can be a great way of meeting lots of new contacts in the hope of developing business and producing sales.

But there lies the issue – Is ‘hoping to connect with the right people’ a professional or effective strategy for your Customer Acquisition Programme?

Maybe it is, if you have lots of time to spare, or you are maybe, a fledgling business just wanting to feel your way in business and need to get some practice at networking.

      “Time is a major issue for us in our business”

However, as a more established business, you can’t afford to waste a great deal of time attending these networking events unless you can ensure that you will meet suitable prospects or connections for your business. Continue reading “How are events playing a role in your marketing strategy?”

What is the key to successful blogging?

Better content leads to better prospects for your business
Better content attracts better prospects

Why should your business have a blog?

The easy thing to do, is firstly, to give you two simple answers…

1. Blogs are highly visible to search engines – and if updated regularly with content, they will enable your website to be found more easily.

2. Blogs are interactive – Which is important from both a customer’s and a search engine perspective – It is important that your customers can engage and share your content and critically, the search engines can then measure this interaction.

A ‘blog’ can be a superb, yet simple way to publish company news, articles and maybe offers and provide links to other pages on your website – as long as you understand the types of information you need to publish and the knack of how to attract customers with what you are writing.

Check an example of another blog page at

More importantly, a blog can be an interactive tool to help attract and continually communicate with your customers.

The two answers I provided above, do need further explanation as they are both critical factors why blogs can be successful… Continue reading “What is the key to successful blogging?”

If Carlsberg wrote testimonial letters…

carlsbergOne prospective client for our construction and property sector strategic marketing programme recently asked, “Could we have a written testimonial from one of your customers?” – A question that I’m sure, many of us have been asked before.

Many people nowadays, want to do that final bit of ‘due diligence’ on you before they commit to buying, and it is far more valuable for someone to hear how good you are from a 3rd party, as opposed to getting that same message from your own website or even directly from yourself.

In fact, it is the way that we all behave nowadays, in this ‘research’ environment – our activity on social media platforms, websites and forums allows us to ‘check people out’, before we make a decision to even begin talking with them. (We all generally prefer to be in a ‘sales-free environment and not under pressure when we make any decision)… Continue reading “If Carlsberg wrote testimonial letters…”

What business benefit can you get out of twitter?

twitter_bird_with_signSince the rise of social media and twitter in particular, new rules have had to be ‘drawn up’ on etiquette and proper usage, especially when it comes to businesses.

It’s not just about the content you post, but also ‘how you present your business’ through twitter, who you interact with, and how you interact with them.

Even if you master all that, you then need to be able to ensure that not only is your account visible, but also feels like an integrated part of your company, rather than a marketing tool that’s been sewed on because ‘everyone else is doing it’.

Continue reading “What business benefit can you get out of twitter?”

Content Marketing is the key to your internet success

Content Marketing is what all businesses now need to start doing, in order to attract both the search engines and of course, humans – you remember them?  …to their web content.

I hesitated to say ‘websites’ as they are not necessarily the best place to initially attract your prospective customers.

Many websites tend to go straight to the ‘This is what we can do’ sort of messages – effectively offering a solution to the customer before he or she has even decided whether they need the particular product or service.

Content marketing can and should be used to ‘influence’ prospective customers in advance of them arriving at your website. – If done correctly, the customer should have already made a positive decision as to whether he will consider buying from yo

We all therefore, need to look at improving the quality of content around our website and in turn, our business… Continue reading “Content Marketing is the key to your internet success”