Linkedin Elevate – Recognising the Value of Content

Linkedin ElevateThe recent launch of Linkedin Elevate has shown the value that this professional business forum is now giving to good quality content.

Elevate is a new service from Linkedin that is designed to help companies and employees curate high-quality content, share that content via their social networks and actually measure the impact it has on their audience.

The value of sharing content is of course the relevant factor. If you as an individual or a corporate body are seen to associate with positive messages and stories then you become ‘attractive’ to prospective customers, investors and employees. Continue reading “Linkedin Elevate – Recognising the Value of Content”

content strategies to attract customers

How can articles help you generate business?

content strategies to attract customersEven a well-written article may not be enough to actually ‘generate’ business on its’own.
When you write an article or create any sort of ‘content’, it needs to sit as part of the ‘route’ that you create for your prospective customers to follow.

This route must be designed to actually lead your web visitors, or readers, right to your front door.

I sometimes refer to this route as the ‘customer corridor’ and your articles will only work for you when they form part of this route.

Very simply, you need to create a number of simple steps for your prospects to take to reach you… Continue reading “How can articles help you generate business?”

Good content writing and SEO will boost your web traffic

I’m already paying for SEO, why bother with Content Marketing?

Good content writing and SEO will boost your web trafficThat’s a good question; Both SEO and Content Marketing are important

Nowadays the two functions are integral. But they both need to be done correctly.

Content Marketing is now so critical to you attracting new customers or visitors to your website, that you really need to speak to content marketing experts to get it done well.

Even better, if you can deal directly with a publisher or ‘content curator’ like M3 Media Publishing, there are further advantages in them being able to position your content in more relevant and influential places on the internet. Continue reading “I’m already paying for SEO, why bother with Content Marketing?”

Why you should treat Linkedin as your Garden

linkedingardenLinkedin Groups are a great way to discover people working in specific sectors or maybe who have an interest in a particular subject.

They are also a great place to attract a targeted audience of prospects for your business.

The members of these different and sometimes specifically-targeted groups, have usually joined them, both to share knowledge and learn from others working in the same sector.

Some of them may also have joined a group because of their allegiance to a regional networking group or perhaps a local business organisation.

Whichever the case, it is the place where THEY have chosen to ‘hang out’.

So why not consider Linkedin like your personal garden?

Linkedin is somewhere that you can find your ideal prospects and then carefully feed and nurture them until they are ready to be harvested. A great place to illustrate to these prospective customers, how you would care for them over the long term if they were to become your customers…

Continue reading “Why you should treat Linkedin as your Garden”

Content Marketing – On who or what should you focus?

focusWe must all start our content marketing strategy with our customer in mind. But first we must understand exactly what are our customer’s issues.

It is good to ask yourself what is my prospective customer thinking about today?

Maybe you consider: What is it that I can send my prospect that will grab his attention?

To explain further, we publish a magazine in the HR and Recruitment sector and one of our clients is an HR Consultancy – and a very good one too.

If we want to help them engage with their prospective new clients, we won’t simply push out a message about the services they offer.

That may surprise you, coming from a marketing agency, but it shouldn’t… Continue reading “Content Marketing – On who or what should you focus?”

Content – Are you using it correctly to get customers?

content_pen“Content is King” – This statement about content has been used for a few years now.

It draws our attention to the importance of content and makes some of us wonder whether we are using content effectively.

Most business people that I talk to tend to make the same, or very similar, statements to me when we discuss their marketing, ideas for their content and their social media strategy.

Some of their statements to me include…

“I don’t  find it easy to write about myself in a really positive way”

“I never find that I ever have enough time to write content”

“We don’t really use content or social media very effectively”

These first three comments are very typical. It is because many of us do not enjoy being in the limelight.

Few of us really like to shout out about how good we are and therefore find it difficult to put it self-praise into words. I suppose it is the British way – to be reserved and modest… Continue reading “Content – Are you using it correctly to get customers?”