How to apply the power of ‘article content’ throughout your content marketing programme

contentMaking use of article content in your content marketing programme is a great way of getting your business out there and also driving traffic to your website or blog.

And you know what – the longer term return is incredible.

That being said, here are some things you will need to take into consideration as you begin preparing and then carrying out your main article focused, content marketing campaign:

Have A Very Good Goal On Your Mind

Just like just about anything in business, you’ll want to have a goal to concentrate on before you begin.

Be sure the goal can be quantifiable, on the grounds that as Lord Kelvin on one occasion mentioned:

“If you are unable to measure it, you are not able to improve it.”

Therefore, you should have a detailed notion on your mind of exactly what you would like to achieve by way of your article marketing and have a means of measuring any response you receive… Continue reading “How to apply the power of ‘article content’ throughout your content marketing programme”

Successful Article Marketing: How Long Does It Take?

Most internet marketers who want to promote their website using article marketing make the very common mistake of expecting instant results. Article marketing, just like SEO, is a long-term strategy.

But how long does it take to really get results from article marketing? Continue reading “Successful Article Marketing: How Long Does It Take?”